The Penn State Thespian Society puts on a number of performances and events throughout the year, and we're entirely student-run. There are so many ways to get involved!
Each performance has its own audition process, determined by the Director and Production Staff heads. In general, you can look out for auditions for each of the following productions at the following times:
Mainstage Musicals - first week of the semester
MasquerAIDS - mid-fall semester
Children's Show - mid-semester
Cabarets - towards the end of each semester
Each show has its own production staff. As each show varies in size, structure, and technical needs, each Thespian production throughout the year has a different prod staff. To get an idea for the kinds of opportunities you can have in Thespian Society, here's the structure of our prod staff for our mainstage musicals -- by far our biggest productions.
Rehearsal Staff
Assistant Director(s)​
Stage Manager**
Music Director*
Vocal Director*​​
Administrative Staff
Assistant Producer(s)
Box Office Manager**​
Front of House Manager**
* denotes the position will have 1-2 assistants
** denotes the position will have a crew in addition to assistants
Technical Staff
Technical Director
Assistant Technical Director(s)​
Master Carpenter*
Scenic Artist*
Lighting Designer*
Sound Designer*
Projection Designer*
Props Master*
Hair & Makeup**
Our mainstage musicals and annual MasquerAIDS cabaret feature a live pit orchestra. The instrumentalists we need varies with each production, depending on the show's score and the choices of the Music Director.
There is no formal audition process for musicians, but the Music Director may ask you to play for them if you've never played for a Thespian Society show before.
You do not need to be a member to participate in any production at any level. That being said, we are our proud of the rich history and traditions of our 123-year-old organization, and that includes the membership process!
In order to formally be inducted, you need go through the "prospective member" process for two semesters. Requirements include participating in both mainstage and non-mainstage shows, and going to meetings. Once inducted, you get all sorts of membership perks, like being able to vote for future shows, opt for an automatic callback for mainstage shows, or run for committee positions that oversee our marketing, produce our non-mainstage shows, coordinate our THON efforts, and more!
To learn more about the membership process, reach out to our Vice President, Hannah Recchuiti-Quier, at